In lieu of a final exam, ENGL 1101 and 1102 require you complete a final multimodal portfolio due during your section’s scheduled final exam time (see for the final exam schedule). The portfolio will include examples of your WOVEN work products, a substantial reflective essay, and brief introductions to each artifact. Your portfolio counts between 15% (minimum) and 20% (maximum) of the course grade, as indicated by your instructor.
The multimodal reflective portfolio is produced in an open-source portfolio platform called Mahara; you can access the GT instance of Mahara using your GT login credentials at
Using Mahara to Create Your Portfolio
Mahara portfolios are collections of individual pages. You create individual pages (one for the self- review essay and one for each artifact) and then make a collection out of the pages—the multimodal reflection portfolio is that collection.
Every Georgia Tech student has access to Mahara at
Creating Pages
To create your portfolio in Mahara, you first need to create an individual page for each artifact.
The multimodal reflective portfolio is produced in an open-source portfolio platform called Mahara; you can access the GT instance of Mahara using your GT login credentials at
Using Mahara to Create Your Portfolio
Mahara portfolios are collections of individual pages. You create individual pages (one for the self- review essay and one for each artifact) and then make a collection out of the pages—the multimodal reflection portfolio is that collection.
Every Georgia Tech student has access to Mahara at
Creating Pages
To create your portfolio in Mahara, you first need to create an individual page for each artifact.
- Under the “Portfolio” tab on the Mahara home page, click “Pages” and then select “Create Page” from the dropdown menu.
- Give the page a title on the edit page screen, choose a display name (we recommend either your last name or student ID, but any of the options are fine). Click “save.”
- Click the “Edit Layout” tab. (Note that Mahara automatically jumps to “Edit Content” after you click “save” on the previous page, but you’ll want to modify the layout first.) Note that Mahara provides a selection of “Basic Layouts” and a link to “Advanced Layouts” on the edit layouts page. Under advanced layouts, you can create and modify your own layouts by deciding how many columns will be in a row and what percentage of the screen width each column will take. Mahara will limit each page to six rows and five columns per row.
- Click “Save” once you’ve chosen a layout. Mahara will jump back to “Edit Content.” Note the list of types of content that can be included on the page. Drag and drop the different options where you want them on the page. Mahara differentiates between hosted media that can be uploaded directly to Mahara and external media that are linked to from within Mahara (such as Prezis, YouTube Videos, Google Docs, etc.). Note that the former options are listed under “Media” while the later is listed under “External.”
- Click “Done” when you have placed all the content you want on that page. Repeat until you’ve created all your pages.
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